La tradizione filosofica dall’antico al moderno. Studi e testi

History of Philosophy from the Ancient to the Modern Age. Studies and Editions


Autore / Author: Luana Salvarani

Affiliazione / Author affiliation: Università degli Studi di Parma

Titolo / Title: Figure del male e della sofferenza nell’opera di François Mauriac

Abstract: One of Fabio Rossi’s most important works analyses the themes of evil and suffering in 20th-century French philosophy. Among others, Rossi presents Louis Lavelle’s contribution on such themes and his reading of the mutual influences between philosophical reflection, emotional experience and religious transcendence. The article aims to make use of some of the conceptual tools made available by Rossi and Lavelle in order to understand François Mauriac’s treatment of evil and suffering in some of his novels, namely Le Mystère Frontenac, Noeud de vipères and Le Mal. The role of family bonds, social rules, the body and its weaknesses, and nature are among the themes around which Mauriac centers his reflection about suffering and its inevitable presence in human life.

Keywords: François Mauriac; Louis Lavelle; evil; suffering; French literature.

English title: Figures of Evil and Suffering in the Works of François Mauriac

DOI: 10.14640/QuadernidiNoctua2-13

Volume: 2

Pagine / Pages: 404-418

Pubblicazione / Publication date: 01/08/2014

Permalink: https://dx.doi.org/10.14640/QuadernidiNoctua2-13

E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni

ISSN 2723-9225